Sometimes it's the simplest of things that can make a huge difference. Whether you're a caregiver trying to get everything done or having a stressful day juggling work and home, we all deserve a moment to simply Breathe. Believe. and Receive (BBR).
Taking that moment can often times be the catalyst for feeling grounded and energized - making it easier to get through the day.
During one of our Leeza's Care Connection team meetings, Leeza shared this BBR she wrote which struck a chord with many of us who were just feeling overwhelmed by the regular stressors of life.
So, get in a comfortable position and give yourself this moment. Take a deep breathe and read each word with the intention to breathe, believe and receive.
Breathe in like your life depends on it; it does. Breathe in focus to your brain, vitality to your lungs, and energy to drive your dreams.
Believe that no one can write the story of your life, except for you, and it may be time for a plot twist. You are the author of your play, the star of your show. So start treating yourself with the corresponding respect and sense of worth.
Receive the quiet moments between tasks; the few minutes that aren't scheduled. Stop. Listen and dare to do nothing else with that time.
Breathe. Believe. Receive.
-Leeza Gibbons